Serious planning week...

Time to get down to business – business being, places we’re going to go this year! Unfortunately, my European vacation allocation of 30 days + holidays isn’t quite enough to get everything in, but we’re doing our best to plan the year in advance. One note – if you happen to visit, you might make the blog – just keep that in mind. That’s almost as cool as catching a foul ball, or getting spit on by Bon Jovi, so if you needed any extra incentives, I thought I’d throw that out there for any budding Europhiles…
The adventures of the past week and a half, while not quite as intense as going break-neck speed down an alpine meadow filled with snow, have seen their share of craziness. We had our first Wii party, our second Gossip Girl marathon, our third trip to IKEA, and more importantly, I finally figured out a way to hang all our pictures up. Yeah – all our paintings and everything had been leaning against the walls in their designated spots for the past 5 months, because we have some sort of sheet metal about a half-inch behind the crumbling substance that is our inner wall. And, as we have no hardware stores here, I couldn’t exactly pick up random items to experiment with. No matter – we now have everything in place, and Sophia was able to complete her shrine of pictures of people back home. As an added bonus, we picked up some materials to re-start the garden we were forced to abandon upon moving here, and while it’s not going to be the monstrosity we had in Elkton, it will serve the purposes of giving us fresh tomatoes and peppers…hopefully.

In other news, we recently got a roommate. We’d been bouncing the idea around for awhile, and one of our good friends here happened to be getting hosed by their former Regie (a common occurrence in Geneva), so it seemed like a good time to test it out. So far it’s been good, with the exception of her and Soph teaming up to usher in the horrible idea of "boardgame night". Shudder. I’m trying to fight back with a poker night, but unfortunately all the guys I know here are also married, which means they will be forced to attend their own boardgame nights in retaliation for their leaving the house to play poker – and I just don’t know if I can live with that kind of guilt.

One final note – Soph made some kimchi again. She left it on the kitchen table to "ferment" (why you would actively want bacteria growing in your food is beyond me – unless it’s a dairy product - or some other food I eat that is unknowingly made in that process – but the point I’m making is you should never initiate the bacteria growth yourself – you leave that to the professionals.) So our French tutor comes in, goes through my entire lesson trying to ignore it, but still giving it the evil eye every ten minutes or so, and then, when Soph’s turn comes, she kindly asks her to remove it from the kitchen due to its stench.

And this is why I’m starting to think the French might be okay after all.

Next week: Ski weekend deux!