This weekend we decided to step up the fight against our lingering sicknesses, rather than our tactic of the past few weeks which involved not sleeping, hanging around outside, physical exercise, and just pretty much anything else that would be considered stupid. It’s unfortunate in that it turned out to be a nice weekend (yet again), so in some ways it was wasted. However – in order to make the most of it, we decided to go on a spending splurge at the local supermarket and outdoor market! Yeah, we are high-rollers when it comes to buying fresh veggies, and this time we prepared ourselves for the great fresh-made pasta cookoff! This involved buying a couple types of homemade pasta from the various vendors, to see if they were really worth the extra franc they charge. The result? Totally worth it – not even a question. Gotta love authentic Italian pasta! Then we bought some cheeses, sauces, and anything else that looked remotely appealing. Broke the rule of "not going grocery shopping when you’re hungry", but sometimes there’s just no way around that. Who says Sundays in Geneva are boring? Well, everyone, but that’s another story…
One severe problem with Geneva (which might be solved with an upcoming referendum) is smoking in restaurants. Not only smoking in restaurants, but smoking in bars, malls, confectioner stores – pretty much anywhere you put up 4 walls, there is a problem with Genevans smoking inside of them. For instance – I went out to lunch the other day to get a nice pizza, sat in the non-smoking section, and less than a foot away was another table which happened to be in the pro-smoking section. No barrier, no fan, nothing, except my lone table had a small removable plaque on it with a picture of a cigarette and a line crossing through it. The result is that I had to go back to work smelling like an ashtray, meaning I fit in a little bit more. However – the bright side of this story is that I finally found a restaurant with excellent pizza. In Geneva, the proper way to serve pizza is to put an egg on top. That’s right – you put the pizza together, break an egg in the middle, and then cook it as normal. You may laugh, but I’m a huge fan – it’s one of those great ideas that someone should have imported to the states years ago.
In other European news, Kosovo recently declared their independence from some country that didn’t exist ten years ago. As a red-blooded American, I’m very happy for them in their quest to get away from taxation without representation. But seriously, all you Kosovoans - you don’t need to drive around Geneva honking your horns all afternoon. One pass around the park would have been enough – that would have even been cool. But five hours of it? Come on…take a cue from the Egyptians who just won the African Cup (soccer, I think). They went out and started a street party. Street parties are fun, and if it’s near me, I might even come out and join in. Driving around honking your horns is not fun, and I will not join you. So be warned…
Next weekend: Ski weekend trois!